Mar 19, 2012

How Should I Practice? (part two)

  Hopefully last week's article on practicing helped. However, there's more. While working on your Theory, Technique, and Repetoire are all very important, still there are some other details to consider. You might ask, how often should I practice? And for how long? How do I know if I'm improving? Well, here are some tips to help round out your practice routine.

  • Frequency: I often liken practicing Guitar to exercise ; it's better to do it 30 minutes a day for 5 days then several hours crammed into one day on the weekend. In short, you need lots of repetition and time for it to sink in. To paraphrase Martial Arts legend Guro Dan Inosanto, you have to do something 2000 times before it really sticks.I think the same concept applies to learning the Guitar.

  • Length: If you can practice 8 hours a day, that's great. But we both know that's not happening. Even I don't have time for that these days. But, the more the better. If you can get in an hour or so an night, you'll begin to see a lot of improvement. Additionally, it's a good idea to break up your practice into segments. For example, if you know you've got an hour to practice, split up your time into 3 or 4 sections. Maybe 10 - 15 minutes for a warm up (technique) 10 -15 minutes to work on your timing / reading / etc (theory), and the rest for songs and goofing off. That's fair isn't it?

  • Measuring Improvement: Well, I'm going to toot my own horn here, but the best way to get quick and accurate feedback is to study with a qualified Teacher. That way you're not guessing ; he or she can tell you what you specifically need to work on and what you're improved upon. It can save you a lot of time and headaches. If lessons aren't in the cards for you right now, try recording your playing about once a month and sit down to review it periodically.

 I hope that gives you some ideas and incentive to hit the books a bit more with your Guitar practicing. So remember, yes being good at Guitar is hard, but that's why it's so special when you learn to play something on it. And, that Guitar playing is all yours - no one can borrow, buy or steal it away from you. It's a hard earned thing. Alright! Everyone to the woodshed - HO!!!

Tune in next week for the next installment of Have Guitar Will Travel.

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